Google Earth and Google Maps are the greatest invention ever. I've spent most of the day researching things for my February novel My American Adventure and I swear my novel is going to be so much better for actually knowing a little about the area I'm writing about. I've now got maps of the 5 states I'll be setting my story in. I've also got post-it notes with information about each characters journey, their jobs, train routes and little plot points. I've also got information plus pictures for the cars they'll be using and I managed to find houses for rent in the areas I want my characters to live and got pictures to use for reference for them too. They're a great tool really. My research wall now looks amazingly full of information.

Now that I've got most of the research done for February I'm completely ready to start writing my novel for January as soon as midnight rolls around. It's my first year attempting WriYe and I'm really you may have guessed from the research wall pictured above (I normally do little to no research and have never done anything close to a research wall before).
Roll on midnight!
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