Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24: Rubber Chicken.

I had an amazing weekend! It was so much fun, I haven't laughed so hard in ages. The main thing that I'll remember from the weekend was the rubber chicken. During one of the main sessions of the conference there was a drama performance. They had a rubber chicken which they used to say they were making chicken for a meal but then when they couldn't find the doll that was supposed to be the baby they used the chicken as the baby instead. The chicken made an appearance with the mime afterwards, he was a little upset that the chicken got a bigger applause than he did, and it also made an appearance when the storyteller mentioned the word chicken in his story (someone in the wings launched the chicken across the stage and the storyteller couldn't stop laughing.)

But anyway, that was the weekend. I took my proof copy of my 2007 NaNo novel with me to read over and edit and I took an A4 notepad and a printed version of California Bound so I could edit what I've got and also start working on a script...none of that happened. My weekend was literally busy from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed, I didn't have a moments spare time. So, I got no work done over the weekend whatsoever. I'm going to be working on scripts and things over the next few days, I've had a few people saying they'd like to voice someone and I'm eager to get scripts out to them so I can see how they sound.

I'm going for a job tomorrow! Big thing for me considering I haven't ever had a job....ever! It's not a paid job, I don't have any experience for things like that yet. I'm going to see if I can get a voluntary job in a British Red Cross shop in the high street near me, I'd love to do my bit for a charity and Red Cross seems like a good one. I'm pretty sure they're helping out in Haiti at the moment. I really hope they take me on, as much as I like having all day every day to do whatever I want whenever I want I've gotten some pretty bad habits from it so getting a job of any kind will help me in a huge way I think.

Anyway, that's enough from me. If anyone has any information on voice actors then please feel free to email me at:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20: Oops, I Missed A Few Days.

Wow, I haven't posted anything here in almost a week! I have a reason for that, really. I've been busy...just not with writing. I haven't written anything in a while. I've been working on some animations. Small practice animations to help me get better at 2D animations before I tackle doing California Bound : The Movie. I want to get back to writing but I just don't seem to have the energy for it at the moment. I probably won't get any writing done this week, I'll probably attempt to get some done next week but I've been so tired lately that it probably won't happen. All my energy, when I'm awake, focuses on my animations.

I have no idea where all my enthusiasm from the start of the year went but it's definitely gone now. I'm going to try and get it back this weekend. I'm going away to a conference in Eastbourne this weekend, leaving VERY early Friday morning (which will kill me) and coming back Sunday afternoon. I can't take my laptop with me so I'll have no access to internet or my word docs but hopefully being away from them for three days will give me some renewed energy for when I get back to them and I'll start writing again...hopefully.

So, on the writing front it's pretty much the same as last time I posted. On every other front...well, let's see. The art lesson with Hannah went very well. For being seven years old she did a really good drawing of Snow White (Sure it wasn't up to Disney standard but it was really good for her first attempt.) For her next lesson, which will be next Saturday I think, we're going to draw Snow White again and then Ariel, her favourite Disney Princess.

The animations are going well, I've got the drawing thing down, I think. I did a short animation of a boy rolling his eyes and opening his mouth like he was speaking. It was 21 drawings, which is about 1 second of animation unless it's slowed down slightly. I need to work on the movement of the head and get better facial expressions. Considering I want to start animating California Bound, I'm going to take a scene from it and try to animate that. I've got basic sketches down for Cody and Pippa, so I know what they look like or at least how they should look. Since I'm not all that great at really drawing in my own style, I'm trying to recreate a Disney style with this animation and so I've based my characters on two Disney characters: Cody is based on Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet and Pippa is based on Ariel from The Little Mermaid. I've written down a 45 step plan that will lead from the early stages of this scene animation right through to completion, I'm currently on Step 2. As you can probably tell by how much I talk about it, I am quite passionate about animation. It used to be 3D animation (which is what I studied in college) but it's now definitely 2D, I've fallen in love with it.

So, to sum up this post in a paragraph. I'm going to start writing again on Monday, I'm going to start animating the scene for California Bound over the weekend during my free time, I'll post a link to it once it's uploaded on YouTube so you can tell me what you think. I'm putting out an open request for voice actors! I need a male and a female because as a Scottish girl trying to be an American girl and guy it really doesn't work. So if you could help me out or know someone who could PLEASE let me know so I can send you a rough script so you can record your voice and send the voice clip back to me, I would love you guys FOREVER! and you would get to be in a movie once I start the proper thing...if you wanted to go for the whole movie and not just the small scene clip. I'm rambling but the begging needed to be done. Who knows, my little animated movie could become the next big YouTube hit and your voice would be in it :P I suppose while I'm at it I could add that I'll need 3 more guy voices for the other main characters in the film...just throwing that out there.

Anyway, enough talking from me. I'm never skipping six days again, even if I have nothing to really report on I'll think of something to put in here. So, if you and/or your friends would like to be my ultimate best friends by recording your voices for my movie please leave a comment to let me know and I will love you all forever because you would seriously be helping me out ALOT, especially considering I don't really know enough guys to help out with the voices. I really am begging with this, I need the voices to be done before the animation starts because I need to know the timing of the voices so I can animate the people. Am I begging too much now? I'm getting annoying aren't I? I'll stop now.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 14: Busy, Busy.

I've got a busy day ahead of me. I'm going to be starting a Robert Pattinson drawing for a friend, finishing off the chapter I was writing in California Bound, sketching out my characters for the animation I plan on doing and coming up with voices for all 5 of the main characters...with only my voice...

I've already started the storyboard and have about 1min 30secs of the movie planned out already, now I just need to find the time to animate it all. Hopefully I can get started on that venture tomorrow after some more planning today. I'm actually really exciting about this animation because if I can pull it off I think it'll turn out to be awesome.

Day 13: Day Off

Not much to write today, I'm feeling really tired at the moment even though I had a pretty good sleep last night. Going to do some drawing today instead of writing, got a lot of stuff to go through and I still need to prepare an art lesson for later.

I wrote a couple hundred words yesterday but it wasn't much. I'll get back to writing tomorrow probably. For the moment I'm drawing Robert Pattinson for a friend and then I'm preparing a lesson about how to draw Snow White for another friend and then I'm going to attempt to turn myself into a Disney Character just for the fun of it.

Think I might actually do that list in reverse actually, not really in the mood to draw realistically.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12: California Bound : The Movie!

What? There's going to be a movie? I know that's what you were thinking and yes there will be...just not a Hollywood style movie with big star actors or anything like that. Before dropping out of college I was in a 3D Animation class and I still like to dabble in animation, although these days it's mostly 2D. So, I've decided to make California Bound into an animated movie for my friends and family to enjoy if they so wish. It's something to fill my days, test my animation skills and it'll also challenge me to make a full movie animation (Longest animation i've ever made was 3 minutes long). I'm looking forward to making it, I'm already starting to work on the Storyboards for the first little bit. Tomorrow I'm going to start the animating part of the process and hopefully I'll have a few minutes of animation done by the end of tomorrow.

But to have a full movie, I need a full novel. I'm about to finish the second of the twelve points of the plot thing and I'll have just over 10k when I'm done. I was going to go back to Love, Life and Friends but I think I'm going to stick with California Bound for the moment. I'm trying to find a piece of music to open the film with while I sketch out the scenes, haven't found the perfect song yet but I do have a song that I can use if I don't find the perfect one. I think the animation is going to take me all year to complete, it's not an easy process and it takes a heck of a lot of planning and then I have to find music, sound effects, voices, etc. I found out yesterday that it takes the team of writers/animators/actors that work on The Simpsons 9 months to make 1 episode. So a huge team take 9 months to do 30 minutes...I'm one person going for a movie length in a about crazy!

The year's looking better already :P

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11: Lovely, Lovely Words

I'm back to writing! Yay! I thought that writer's block was going to last forever but I wrote 2,366 words this morning. I still feel lousy but at least it's not causing me to stop writing anymore. I'm aiming to get California Bound over 10k today and then I'll go back to Love, Life and Friends I think. I'm getting to the really good part in both stories although I've estimated that California Bound will finish with around 75k words and Love, Life and Friends might not even reach the 50k.

I've found a 12 step plot planner type thing in one of the writing guide books that I've got that I used to work out the middle section of California Bound, I'm currently on the second section out of the twelve and almost at 10k. When I go back to Love, Life and Friends I'm going to use the same 12 step plot planner to get a better grip on its plot so I can figure out where in the story I actually am.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10: Prologue

I was reading through a few of the Writing Books I've got lying around today and I realised that I'm not particularly fond of the way California Bound starts. I think it needs a Prologue and then the rest needs an edit before I can continue on with it. I'm pretty sure this is why I've been unable to continue with the story, my subconscious has been trying to tell me that it needs a Prologue.

So, I'm going to work on the Prologue for the rest of the evening and then I'll edit it tomorrow and then hopefully I'll be able to get things back on track.

Day 10: Sick Again.

I feel like crap today, spent all of it in bed so far (it's 5pm) and I've only come downstairs to watch What Do Kids Know? and Just Dance on the TV before going back to bed again. No writing today, I don't really have the energy to type a lot today.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9: So Very Tired

It's 3pm...I don't think I got any sleep last night whatsoever. I kept tossing and turning in my bed, I don't remember actually sleeping (but then no one ever does really) but I know that the time gaps from me checking the clock all the time weren't that big so if I did sleep it wasn't for long. Which is why I'm still in my bed. I can't be bothered to get up at all and I have to try and muster up the energy to go out to a party tonight! Urgh. It starts at 7pm and I'm going down with my mum at half 6 so I've got about 3 hours to get out of bed and get ready for it.

On the writing front...I've got nothing to say because I have done nothing. Bad, I know. I downloaded some pretty fonts the other day and I've used them in my chapter headings now instead of just having the same font throughout. I also added a title page so now when I read over what I've written in the full reading format option thingy it feels like I'm reading a proper book. Granted, it made the story look a little nicer but it didn't help my inspiration flow. I haven't written a single word in two days (except for the hastily written ideas that I scribbled down but I don't count that as words).

Maybe if the party doesn't end too late I'll be able to come home and write 1,000 words at least. Maybe.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8: What Have I Written?

So, considering my two novels that I'm actually working on this month make up such a small amount of my overall total I thought I would list exactly what I've written so far this month.

Love, Life and Friends - The Girls = 4,075

Love, Life and Friends - The Guys = 3,179 (L,L+F Total = 7,254)

California Bound = 5,887

For The Love Of My Daughter = 1,650 (Short Story)

Moving = 627 (Beginning of novel I might work on later in the year)

Cut = 876 (Short Story)

Dreams Come True...Right? = 333 (Beginning of novel I might work on later in the year)

The Office = 5,121 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

Love Is Blind = 809 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

Lucky Stars = 2,537 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

If Only... = 1,301 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

Lands Of Sildoon = 1,547 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

Expect The Unexpected = 967 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

Once Upon A Time = 587 (Beginning of novel I will work on later in the year)

Adding all those numbers up gives me my current total of 30,169 words. I'm really impressed with myself despite having about 3 non writing days so far. I'm only going for a low target of 3,000 words today since I have a lot of other stuff to do that's going to keep me busy for most of the day but I think I'll manage to get at least 3k. I want to try and get California Bound up to 10,000 words today if I can and then tomorrow I'll go back to working on Love, Life and Friends.

I still need to do more research for California Bound since I still don't know what route they take to travel across the country and that's probably the most important part of the story. I'll probably do that on Sunday when I have more time to just sit and write/research. Today and tomorrow are absolutely jam packed for me. I'm also wanting to get back to Love, Life and Friends because my inspiration is running a little low for California Bound. There's something about Jason's character that just zaps any energy I have for the story. Curse you Jason *shakes fist* That being said, Cody and Pippa give me tons of inspiration and Karl...well...we all love Karl.

On the Love, Life and Friends front, since I'm talking about everything in this post. I'm at a pretty big point in the story plot wise but I'm not really sure how to proceed with it. I'm going to give it some thought throughout the rest of the day and hopefully, come tomorrow, I'll have it all planned out and everything will be fine. I love all the characters in this story, none of them give me as much trouble as Jason does so I don't tend to hover over the keyboard as much with this. The only problem I have is losing motivation far too quickly. I think I've already hit the wall for this story and all I need to do is push through it and everything will be fine again.

And while I'm here I might as well add that my research wall for My American Adventure has gotten bigger over the past few days. It's starting to dominate my wall and is looking full of information. I've decided to mostly ditch the last idea I had for the plot for this and I'll come up with a newer, better idea closer to the time. I'm hoping that with all the information that I have for this story it'll flow smoothly and I won't have any problems with it. I'm looking forward to meeting my characters for it, I'm sure they'll be an eccentric bunch. I haven't done any planning character wise for this, other than figuring out that there will be a girl and two guys and a family of people.

Well, I don't think I've done a post this long since my very first one way back in December! I'm going to stop rambling on now and actually do some writing. I came up with a few good scenes for California Bound last night while I was sleeping and managed to wake myself long enough to write them down so I need to get to the point where I can add those scenes in. I'm hoping that the little bit about Jason that's in one of the parts I wrote down will help to open his character up to me a little bit more and I won't get stuck everytime I have to write about him.

Anyway, no more talking! Sorry about the super long post, I guess I had more to say than I thought. I'll go back to writing now and leave you alone for a while.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 8: California Bound!

No, I'm not taking a trip to America (I wish!) I have finally come up with a title for my previously untitled novel! Hurrah! It's not perfect and it will definitely change as I write it or when I finish but it works for the moment and it means I can finally stop saying 'my untitled novel'! Whoo!

Can you tell I'm excited about this tiny piece of information?

Day 8: The Day After The Day Off.

I decided to have a rest yesterday and spent the day watching movies and playing Just Dance on the wii with my mum. It was good fun but I'm totally shattered now. I kind of missed writing about my characters lives in my untitled story (yes, it's still untitled). I'm going to write for an hour or so before going to sleep to give myself a little boost going into tomorrow.

I've got a busy day ahead. I've got to plan the art lesson, prepare a sunday school lesson, write some more of my story and help prepare a hall for a get together on Saturday. Not sure when I'm going to find time to relax in amongst all of that but I'm sure I'll manage.

I've decided that I'm going to write my untitled story until it's at 15k and then I'll switch back to Love, Life and Friends and write that story until it's at 15k and then switch back to my untitled story. I'll keep switching them out every 15k so I can keep the inspiration flowing and not get too bored with either story.

I'm not going to bother putting goals in these anymore, I never stick to them. If I have no set goals then whatever I write will be on target :D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 7: End Of Edit.

I just finished editing the first 15 pages of my untitled story and its wordcount is now 5,887. During the edit I managed to add an amazingly high total of 82 words to my wordcount. Ah well, I'm just glad that I've slightly improved the story.

Now to sleep as it is once again 3am...

Day 7: Edit!

We're a week into the year! Well, near enough anyway. Let's reflect on how badly I've done lately :P

My original goal was to write 1,613 words every day with the overall target of having 50,000 words by the end of the month. After the first day I decided that I wanted to write 5,000 words every day which would give me an overall target of 155,000 by the end of the month. I'm currently sitting somewhere between the two.

I started the month off with the plan to write at least 50,000 words for my WiP Love, Life and Friends and so far I have written around 7,000 for it. I have currently abandoned that novel in favour of my untitled novel at the moment which is sitting at 5,802 words.

I decided two hours ago that I wanted to edit the untitled novel before continuing with it after recieving a few comments about it. So, I'm currently editing page 8 of 15 and will be adding all the changes before continuing.

So, currently, my new goals stand as this:

Target Wordcount Per Day: 3,000
Target Final Wordcount: 105,000
Novel(s) For January: Love, Life and Friends (50k) Untitled (55k)

The amounts in brackets are the minimums that I want for the stories, I'm hoping that they'll be much longer than that, especially the untitled one.

Anyway, that's all I have to update on at the moment. I'm going to finish editing all the pages and putting in the changes before I go to bed, which at this rate will be around 3AM again. Tomorrow when I get up I'll be ready to jump straight into continuing to write my untitled novel.

(Have I stressed enough that that novel is untitled? I really can't think of one for it and it's annoying me!)

Day 6: Man, I Suck!

I don't know what it is but over the past couple of days I just haven't been able to stick to my targets at all. I can't tell you how much I wrote in the last 5 hours since I don't even have my document open at the moment. I think I wrote solidly from 5 to 6 and then stopped, watched the third Lord of the Rings movie for a bit and then went downstairs. So, no marathon after all.

Still got a good hour and a half of writing time left today and I'm going to use it! If I'm lucky I might reach 5k for today at least. I'm hoping I will.

Gotta get writing!

Day 6: Writing Marathon

It's almost 5pm here so I'm going to type this quickly so I can get it all down before then.

I'm going to have a writing marathon to try and boost my wordcount up to where I'd like it to be. So form 5pm to 10pm I'm going to be pretty much writing non-stop. I average around 1,500 words per hour so using my very limited math skills I think I should get around 7,500 words...I think. I've already written 1,998 words today so if I managed the 7,500 then it'll bring my total up to just under 9,500. I think I'll push myself for a 10k day today and see where it gets me.

I'll update about my progress sometime after 10pm tonight.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 6: Critiques?

I'm so tired right now, someone remind me not to stay awake writing past midnight. It's currently 3AM and I've spent the last hour or so writing another 1,385 words on my new story. It's now a grand total of 4,089 words and that's only the first hour and a half of story. I really do like this one and I would love to get some feedback on it. Obviously it's not very far on. I was just wondering two things.

1. Would anybody be interested in reading my story to give me some feedback on it?


2. If you are interested, would you rather read it when it was finished or would you be okay with getting small chunks of it whenever I finish a reasonable amount of writing?

I'm just wondering, if you could comment on this post with answers I'd be really grateful :)

Day 6: Targets Will Be Met!

Yes, I will make my targets today! It will happen, I have nothing else to distract me today so I should be able to get the wordcounts I want. I'm going to do some writing before I go to sleep, it's just after 12AM so I'm thinking maybe staying up til 1:30AM writing and get a little boost for the day.

So, I'm going to write as much as I can of my new idea, currently untitled, and then I'll move on to working on Love, Life and Friends again. So, with that in mind, I need new targets.

Target Wordcount: 8,000
Target Total: 35,000

I know that the two targets don't make sense in terms of what my current wordcount is but I'm planning to go above and beyond the 8,000 but I definitely want to reach 35,000 today. I've got a lot of typing to do so I'd better get to it.

Day 5: Total Tonight

I'm giving it a break tonight. I like my new story and I like writing it but I'm giving it a break tonight. I've ended tonight with just 2,705 words but I'm still happy with that. I'll have a proper go at writing tomorrow. Definitely getting my 4k.

So, my total now is...I don't know XD Whatever it was yesterday plus 2,705. I don't have my usual notebooks beside me at the moment so I have no idea what my numbers are.

Day 5: Novel 13

I know I said I wasn't going to say anything about the new idea that I came up with but I ended up starting it instead of continuing Love, Life and Friends so I guess I can let you guys know a little about what it.

It's currently untitled and I haven't really thought out a proper summary for it yet but here's the gist of it. Four friends are living in North Chatham, MA leading normal, mundane lives. They recieve wedding invites to their other friend's wedding in Santa Cruz, CA. Instead of flying there or travelling together, the four decide to make a bet. They race each other to the wedding. They begin the journey in North Chatham, with a banged up, used car each and just $5,000 to keep them going from North Chatham to Santa Cruz. They have just five days to make the journey but they soon discover that their journeys will be anything but easy.
I'm going for a comedic point of view with this. It's in the third person but tells each of the four characters individual journeys. I've only researched enough to write up to the point where they're about to head out. I've been writing for about two hours on and off and I've got 1,755 words that is just two of the characters getting up and heading to work! I really do love this idea and can't wait to see where this story goes.

'As if some invisible buzzer had gone off they both dashed for the door. It was only a few steps away and as they both reached the door at the same time, they crashed into each other and the door. They both grabbed a hold of the handle as they slid down the door towards the floor. The handle followed them to the floor. Cody looked at his hand in disbelief for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. Pippa frowned at him and looked up at the door, where a hole now sat in place of the handle.'

It's full of typos and bad grammer but I'll fix that another day. At the moment, I'm just happy that it's turning out nicely. I think this is a novel I'll want to get critiques from.

Day 5: Drawing and Writing

I'm going to reach yesterday's goals today, definitely. Ideally I want to double yesterday's goal so that I'm back on target but if I manage to write the 4k and nothing else I'll be happy.

I've got to split my focus today. I'm going to be tutoring a friend's little girl soon to help her with her drawing and I need to start working on the first lesson that I'll give her. So I've come up with a plan. I rediscovered my dad's Lord of the Rings DVD's this morning and I'm going to watch them all in a big marathon today. So, while watching the first film I'm going to be working on the art lesson, while watching the second film I'll be writing and while watching the third film I'll be researching for my future planned novels. As long as I don't get too distracted by the films I should get plenty of work done.

And speaking of future planned novels, I came up with a new idea a few days ago that I really want to work on so I'm doing 2 novels this month. Although I still need to research the new novel a bit (it's set in America). I'm keeping this one a secret until it's underway though, that way if I don't start it I can use it next year instead.

So, the plan for today is pretty much this, writing wise:

Target Wordcount: 4,000
Target Total Wordcount: 29,000

Ideal Target Wordcount: 8,000
Ideal Total Worcount: 33,000

We'll see how it goes.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4: Oh Dear

So, I was just going to write all day today again and instead of doing that I went out shopping. So, my wordcount is 0 and it's 7pm. Sure there's another 5 hours in the day but I'm hanging out with my mum tonight so I won't have any time to do any writing today so my goals for today are going to roll on to tomorrow instead.

Ah well, no harm done really, I'm still way ahead of my target already.

Day 4: Surprise Morning.

So, my hamster was chewing at the plastic tube in her cage last night loudly enough that it kept me awake for a good few hours. Because of that I just woke up (12pm) and my mum just handed me an envelope that I got in the post. Turns out it's pre printed signed Hugh Laurie cards that I requested thanks to a site called That site is great, if gives a bunch of addresses where you can write to a huge number of celebrities asking for autographs. Some will get you a genuine autograph, personalised for you and some will get you a pre printed autograph. I went for pre printed to start with, requested it on October 30th 2009 and got it on the 4th January 2010. I'm still happy though, might go for the real thing next time.

But back to writing! My wrist is still a little stiff this morning so I'm not going to be able to write much today and I wasn't planning on doing a lot of writing anyway. I'm putting together some things to start up my new art tutoring business. I need to do something to get some extra money and art's my thing so it fits until I can get a proper job. So, my goals for today are:

Target Wordcount for Day: 4,000
Target Worcount: 29,000

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3: My Wrist Hurts

I guess this is what I get for writing for the entire day. My left wrist is really sore at the moment so I'm giving the writing a rest for the day. It's only 10:22pm but I've written more than enough today to keep me happy.

I joined a community on LiveJournal today called Runaway Tales which gives loads of prompts in the form of ice cream flavours. I'm going to be giving some of those a try when my focus on the main story comes grinding to a halt.

As it happens, today I worked on getting some of my Wip's started that I plan on working on during the other months of the year since my inspiration has gone a little dry for Love, Life and Friends at the moment. I managed to write a good amount for each which will give me nice boosts to start with on the right month.

My wordcount for Love, Life and Friends at the moment is 7,254. Speaking of wordcounts, here's what I've got so far:

Total Wordcount for Day: 12,223
Total Wordcount: 24,282

Day 3: Words Galore.

I don't know if it's because I'm working to a dealine like NaNoWriMo or if it's because this is something new for me but I seem to be on a roll as far as my wordcount is concerned. The story is coming along nicely too but I'm still impressed by how much I've been able to write in the past 3 days, I haven't even been able to write this much during NaNo before.

Target for Jan 3rd: 7,000
Target Total: 20,000

Total for Jan 3rd so far: 4,576
Total so far: 16,281

Still got loads of time left today, it's only 2:13pm after all, so I think I'll be able to make my quota if not go way over it. I think I'm going to set myself some new targets for today.

Target for Jan 3rd: 10,000
Target Total: 23,000

Yeah, that sounds more reasonable a challenge for me now. Back to writing!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 3: It's Still Too Early.

It's now 3am and I'm having trouble sleeping. Good news is I've written 2,356 words today already :D

Bad news is I'm now extremely tired and can't sleep.

I'm going to try and get some sleep now and then hopefully when I wake up I'll be able to write some more.

Targets for Jan 3rd:
Wordcount for day - 7,000
Wordcount total - 20,000

I think that's achievable, my current stats are:
Wordcount for day - 2,356
Wordcount total - 14,061

Hopefully, I'll sleep now.

Day 3: It's Too Early.

It's 12:30am, I'm tired and I want to go to sleep but I have a few things I want to say first.

1. It snowed again. Really heavy snow too. I thought we were getting rid of it, I was actually able to see the grass again, but no. Stupid snow ¬¬

2. I upped my wordcount to 4,805 before heading out the door at 7pm (I only got back at 11:40pm so I didn't have time to write anymore.) This makes my current wordcount total 11,705 which I'm proud of.

When I get up tomorrow I'm going to sit down and write and I'm not going to do anything until I've typed up my 3,000 daily word goal. By the end of today I'll have a total wordcount of at least 15,000 words...hopefully.

Anyway, goodnight all.

Day 2: Pushing On

Alright, I'm feeling slightly better and I've managed to write something too. I've lowered my daily target from 5,000 to 3,000 words because it seems more attainable for me. Having said that it's only 5:30pm and I'm sitting on 3,838 words just now, bringing my total wordcount up to 10,738 words. I'm going to keep writing for another hour I think and then I'll have to stop because I'm going out at 7pm. Not sure what time I'll be getting back but if it's not too late then I'll maybe write for another hour before heading to bed.

Target Wordcount for Day: 6,900 (same as yesterday's total wordcount)
Target Total Wordcount : 13,800

Don't know whether I'll reach those numbers but if I do that'll be amazing considering my original wordcount goal for each day was 1,613 for January. So with my current wordcount I'm actually about 4 days ahead of schedule :D

Day 2: Sick :(

I got very little sleep last night. I was awake til around 4am with really bad nausea, I think I ate too much yesterday. I did get some sleep but when I woke up I felt just as tired...I still feel just as tired actually. I've done absolutely no writing whatsoever today so far and since I'm still feeling a little sick I'm not sure whether I have the concentration to do any writing at all today. I'm supposed to be going out tonight and I'm not sure whether I'll be going to that either.

Today's a bad day already :(

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1: What A Day!

I've spent most of the day writing, taking a few breaks to spend time with my family and add information to my research wall. I need to write 1,667 words each day but was aiming for 5,000 and today I managed to write 6,900 words.

I'm hoping I can keep the momentum going and write the same amount tomorrow as well and keep my big wordcounts going for the rest of the year.

Total Wordcount: 6,900
Wordcount Today: 6,900
Last Sentence Written:
'Ryan continued to get annoyed.'

Day 1: Happy New Year

I stayed up until 3AM this morning writing purely because I couldn't sleep for the amount of fireworks going off in my area. They were pretty to look at though. :)

I kept writing up until ten to three and then gave up. I've now got a solid 4,681 words to kick off my year of writing. I'm not stopping at that either. My family will be sitting down for a lovely meal together (I'm such a fussy eater that instead of having the traditional chicken/turkey/beef/whatever I'm getting a cheeseburger :D) in about an hour or so and then I'll stick around and chat with my gran for a bit afterwords and then it'll be straight back up the stairs to park my butt in a chair, turn on House M.D Season 4 (I like a little background noise when writing) and start pounding the crap out of my keyboard so I can get as much of the beginning of the story out as I can today. My original plan was to have 3,000 words by the end of today, I've already passed that so my new target is 7,500.

Anyway, Happy New Year everyone. This is usually the time that people will give their New Year resolutions. I only have one: Get Fit. Seriously, I'm a healthy weight and I'm not fat or anything but I get out of breath climbing two flights of stairs because of the amount of junk food that I eat. I very rarely exercise so that's what my resolution is for the year, to exercise everyday and get in shape. :)

Off to eat my junk food New Year meal :P