Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31st : I've moved!

Yeah, I got thinking after my last post and I decided to make a fresh start with the blog so I've moved it to Wordpress!

If you would like to continue following my semi-rambling posts about my writing then please feel free to go here:

I look forward to still seeing you around.


December 31st : Time To Do It All Again!

So I've got about 6 1/2 hours until midnight, January 1st 2011 and the official start of WriYe 2011. I'm actually looking forward to this year's WriYe, possibly more than I had been this time last year. I have a friend who I'm going to be writing alongside for the entire year so we'll have each other to keep in check and make sure neither of us falls behind.

I've got a few novels that I'm going to be working on this year, some of them similar to the ones that I was doing/planning on doing for 2010. The two biggest novels that I want to get completed in 2011 are my 2010 NaNo The Daisy and my favourite novel that I've ever written California Bound. If I get those finished this year I'll be immensely happy.

I signed up on the WriYe website a few days ago and I've already set my goal for 2011 as 600k again. I'm signed up for the Sprint Week for the 2nd to the 8th of January with a goal of around 27k for that so it'll be fun to see if I can actually stay on target this year.

While I'm speaking of targets I'm going to officially say this here and now. I am going to do my best to write an update on here every single day and not skip months at a time like I did this year. I'll keep track of my progress better as well...maybe.

Anyway, I'll be posting on here again closer to midnight no doubt so I'll wish you all a Happy New Year then.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25th : Merry Christmas!

Christmas is almost over! Mine was rather....dull. I got some good presents but the overall day was pretty naff. My dad and brother both have a really bad bout of the flu and have been in their beds the entire day (my dad made it down for our dinner but was sick afterwards, my brother hasn't left his room all day.) My mum and I went to visit my Gran in the hospital, she's doing better than the last time I saw her, which is good but I'm not a fan of hospitals and I had to sit for two hours listening to her going on about me getting married next year (Which isn't happening. I'm only 20 for a start and I don't even have a boyfriend at the moment either.) Like I said, overall it was a pretty lousy Christmas.

On to the good part of the day, the presents. I got a few really nice surprises in my gifts this year. I got:
-Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits
-Inception on DVD
-Les Miserable on DVD
-Kinect for the Xbox
-Dance Central for the Kinect
-One of those fleecey blankets with the sleeves :P
-Tickets to Hairspray at the Edinburgh Playhouse for Boxing Day!

I was really excited about the Hairspray tickets, I wasn't expecting them at all and they're really good tickets too! Row D, four rows from the front :D I seriously can't wait. I'm going with my mum so it'll be awesome. As I had expected though, I haven't gotten any writing done today and now I know for a fact that I won't get any done tomorrow.

It's beginning to look like this novel is never going to get finished but I should hopefully have a shiny new front cover for it by the end of tomorrow so hopefully that'll give me a burst of inspiration and energy that'll help me to get back into my flow of writing again. I've been waiting on this cover for a while but my name is finally at the top of the list and I'm excited to see what the artist comes up with for my book.

Anyway, Merry Christmas again.

Friday, December 24, 2010

December 24th : Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope you all have a great Christmas this year :)

I've been working slowly but surely on my novel (now at 57k) and I'm confident that I'll have it finished by the end of the first week of January, or there abouts. I've been finding it difficult to get the motivation and ideas for the novel to progress but I'm getting there. Hopefully, it won't be too long before it's finished. I probably won't work on it much tonight (Christmas Eve Watchnight Service to go to in a few hours) or tomorrow (It will be Christmas after all) but hopefully on Boxing Day I'll get another chapter written at least. If I can average a chapter a day from Boxing Day forwards then I should have it completed by the 9th January. I'm hoping to get it finished sooner than that but it's looking unlikely.

Anyway, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you more in the New Year :D

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17th : Writing, Editing, Formating...

I seriously have no motivation to write my NaNo other than when I'm at work. I'll sit with my document open in front of me while at home and...nothing, no words come to mind to help me move on with the story. At work, I'll be serving a customer and go 'Oh, that's how that bit progresses, I must write it down now.' Three/four hours later and I have anywhere from 300-800 words written on small post it notes.

I've been editing what I have gotten written so far and formatting it once it's been done. Although I know that I'll probably be re-writing most (if not all) of my scenes, it helps me to at least keep my focus on this novel rather than trailing off and moving onto something else.

I really want to get this novel finished by the end of the year, I hope that it won't drag on forever otherwise I'll probably lose all my interest in it and I don't want that to happen. Anyway, I think my novel is sitting somewhere around the 55k mark at the moment, still got a lot to write though.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th: New Goal.

I've discovered that every time I make a goal I never achieve it. So my new goal is to have no goals :D

I did a little writing towards the story today. While I was at work I used some post it notes to write on and managed to get around 750 words written. I'm pleased that I'm still writing this story even though NaNo is over, I may not be going at quite the same fast pace as I had been but at least I'm still writing.

Here's hoping I can actually finish this novel before the end of the year.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Dec 6th: It's Snowing Again!

I know that last year I was complaining about the snow and how heavy it was but this year we've had even more snow that's even heavier and staying for longer and I'm way too excited about that. Want to know why my attitude towards snow has changed? Work. The more it snows, the more chance I have of being off work and being able to write all day!

It's been snowing heavily here all morning and apparently the roads are terrible (my mum had to take my brother into work at 7 this morning and it was bad then, I'm trying to imagine how bad they'll be now after a whole morning of snow.) I'm just waiting for the phone call from my boss to let me know not to go in.

On the writing front, I've been rather productive today. I'm still working on my NaNo novel from last month (which I'm still trying to think of a title for) but I've written 514 words so far this morning and I plan on writing a heck of a lot more today, especially if I do get the day off work. I didn't write the 5k yesterday because I got distracted by a number of things but I'm going to try my best to get it done today.

Here's hoping anyway.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5th : I Will Finish This Novel!

Yesterday I was going to write a massive amount for my 2010 NaNo to try and get it finished a little quicker but I discovered that I'd misplaced the notes I'd made which detailed the rest of the plot. Not wanting to wing the rest of the book I was frantically trying to find the notes. I must've searched every corner of my room, as well as several other rooms, before I gave up. I wrote a few hundred words yesterday and then called it a night. Only when I sat down at my computer to watch a film on it I found that my notes had been sitting in the pile of papers that were on my desk right in front of me the entire time >.>

Anyway, now that I've got my notes again I'm determined to get at least 5,000 words written today. I've done about 350 words just now, but that was only 5 minutes of writing so I've still got a bit to go yet. I really want to get this novel finished by the end of next week so I have enough time to edit and polish it before I put it up for sale on Createspace.

I really want to publish my novels but I don't want to go through the whole query process with agents and publishers so self publishing through Createspace seems like a good idea for me. Here's hoping I can at least get a few sales out of it :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3rd : It's The End Of The Year Already?

I can't believe that it's already December. I rediscovered this blog again last night while chatting with a friend about WriYe and I've decided that even though I didn't quite make it this year, I'm going to do my best to complete it next year.

NaNoWriMo was awesome, I decided to stick to my original plan from my very first post on this blog and do a rewrite of my 2007 NaNo for this year. It went really well and it's almost completely different from the 2007 version of it. The characters are the same, the towns are the same (with a few more thrown in) and the overall plot is the same, the journey is completely different though. I managed 50,191 during November but the story is only 1/3 of the way through. Still got lots more to write which I'm hoping to do this month.

Speaking of totals, I checked the last post that I made a total on and the last known total I had for this year was 74,072 but a few posts after that I'd written more so I'll need to dig out my documents and add up all the wordcounts to get the exact amount. Think I'll do that now...

Total Wordcount Before NaNo: 87,237
Total Wordcount With NaNo: 137,464

I'm actually quite proud of that total, even though it falls drastically short of my 600k goal. With the rest of my NaNo still to write in December I think I can push that total over the 150k at least. I'm already looking forward to next years WriYe, I started a few stories that I really want to work on next year and finish.

Anyway, for anyone still following my ramblings here, thanks for supporting me throughout this year so far. I hope to have your continued support for the coming year.
