Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3rd : It's The End Of The Year Already?

I can't believe that it's already December. I rediscovered this blog again last night while chatting with a friend about WriYe and I've decided that even though I didn't quite make it this year, I'm going to do my best to complete it next year.

NaNoWriMo was awesome, I decided to stick to my original plan from my very first post on this blog and do a rewrite of my 2007 NaNo for this year. It went really well and it's almost completely different from the 2007 version of it. The characters are the same, the towns are the same (with a few more thrown in) and the overall plot is the same, the journey is completely different though. I managed 50,191 during November but the story is only 1/3 of the way through. Still got lots more to write which I'm hoping to do this month.

Speaking of totals, I checked the last post that I made a total on and the last known total I had for this year was 74,072 but a few posts after that I'd written more so I'll need to dig out my documents and add up all the wordcounts to get the exact amount. Think I'll do that now...

Total Wordcount Before NaNo: 87,237
Total Wordcount With NaNo: 137,464

I'm actually quite proud of that total, even though it falls drastically short of my 600k goal. With the rest of my NaNo still to write in December I think I can push that total over the 150k at least. I'm already looking forward to next years WriYe, I started a few stories that I really want to work on next year and finish.

Anyway, for anyone still following my ramblings here, thanks for supporting me throughout this year so far. I hope to have your continued support for the coming year.


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